taus makhacheva

taus makhacheva

taus talk

taus makhacheva in friesland

Taus Makhacheva is coming to Friesland! Her extensive solo exhibition It's possible to raise the ceiling a bit* is now on show in the Fries Museum. The renowned artist starts each work with a collection of people, stories, experiences, landscapes and objects. Her artistry revolves around encounters as a catalyst.

Taus Makhacheva
Taus Makhacheva
Taus Makhacheva
Taus Makhacheva

The Fries Museum invited Taus Makhacheva to make a new work, inspired by Friesland. During 7 days Taus travels criss-cross through the province in search of what makes us our own. From eel fishermen, famous ice skating villages and pubs to the ‘drenkelingenhuisje’ in Terschelling.

Meet Taus Makhacheva this Saturday 2 October during this exclusive talk. With Jacco de Boer as host, we go deeper into the themes in her work. Take a seat in the middle of her exhibition, ín Charivari. Afterwards we have a drink in the museumcafé.

Sign up here
date: Saturday 2 October
time: 14.00h
price: museum entrance

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