museum night

in the bloom of the night
saturday 30 september
museum night

museum night

saturday 30 september: let the night inspire you

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Let the night inspire you during Museum Night FRL! On Saturday night 30 September from 19.00 to 00.00, the Fries Museum will open its doors during the second edition of Museumnacht FRL. Discover the museum in the atmospheric evening light with a diverse and festive programme. Enjoy the most diverse exhibitions (from AI to the Frisian Vermeer), stimulate your senses at the scent bar, get a quick course in culture with the special speed tours and enjoy danceable music in the museum hall until late in the evening.

Date: saturday 30 september
Time: 19.00 - 00.00h
Price: 8 euros
Buy a ticket in advance via the ticket page (select Saturday 30 September for the date)


Continuous           Snackgelok
Continuous           Art manifestation-for-1-night
Continuous           Valhalla Hair Salon
Continuous           Proust's Fragrances Carousel
Continuous           Music by Trouvano
Continuous           Visual arts support point
19.30 - 20.00h      Live music by Amonia Caramel
19.45 - 20.15h      Speedtour (English)*
20.00 - 23.00h      Marjolein's Art Quiz
20.30 - 21.00h      Performance Bert Scholten
20.45 - 21.15h      Speedtour (English)*
21.30 - 22.15h      Live music by Michelle Samba
21.45 - 22.15h      Speedtour (English)*

* These activities have limited space. Register in advance via our ticket page.

Want to know more about the activities? You can find more information below.


a fries installation

Everyone knows the feeling of getting happy from a greasy snack on Friday night, your daily coffee to go or ordering new clothes online every week. Because you've earned it. Even though we know it's not always good for us and for the world we live in, we consume a lot in our lives. What does the constant craving for quick triggers tell us about ourselves and the times we live in? Why do people pursue happiness by consuming things that are not good for them?

At Snackgelok, you can lay in a life-size fries tray and listen to a musical compilation of audio clips in which people talk about their drive to consume and the happiness they derive from it. You 'snack' on their stories, so to speak. Besides the pleasure, the downside of snacking happiness is also discussed. Because when is it enough?

part of It gelok fan Fryslân
Snackgelok is part of It gelok fan Fryslân. In this four-year project by Tryater, theater makers Aukje Schaafsma and Karel Hermans investigate how it is possible that the happiest people in the Netherlands live in Fryslân. After the longest ever happiness poem in ten villages in 2021, the theater-makers now zoom in on consuming happiness.

"Dopamine. Amazing, isn't it, how that simple substance ties our entire lives together? Motivates and stimulates us. Rewards us. Fills what is empty. Are you what you eat? What you buy? What you collect?"

Concept: Aukje Schaafsma, Karel Hermans | Interviews & editing: Aukje Schaafsma, Tom Tieman | Design: Janne Sterke | Music: Peter Sijbenga | Sound design: Ben Vrielink | Set design: Aart Laferte, Ben Vrielink, Gerard Jorna | Made possible by Station Noord


Especially for Museumnacht FRL, the Fries Museum and Kunstinitiatief VHDG are organising an art manifestation-for-1-night. For this event, the organisations issued an open call for enthusiastic artists from various disciplines who live and/or work in Friesland and want to be part of this nocturnal programme. You will discover the surprising works of winners Heleen Haijtema, Annemarie Lindeboom and Caya Emmelkamp during the Museum Night. Click here for more information about the Open Call.

heleen haijtema

The nightshade family (Solanaceae) contains more than 90 genera and 2,500 species. The family includes food plants such as tomato, eggplant and potato, but at the same time also the poisonous thorn apple and deadly wolf cherry. This contrast is the starting point for the installation Nightshade, where photographer and artist Heleen Haijtema brings together the different properties of nightshade and its metaphors. A play of seduction, beauty but also of danger.

annemarie lindeboom

Word artist and spoken word artist Annemarie Lindeboom will be presenting her show Instantané during Museum Night. This dark and raw multidisciplinary show revolves around snapshots: reflecting on the important, beautiful and powerful moments in life. Supported by music, light, visuals and extras, Lindeboom's Instantané reflects on her own burnout. A show where you don't know beforehand what to expect.

caya emmelkamp

In the work The Teevee Tower: Beppe Zus Afl.2 focuses on ridicule. The installation by theater designer, visual artist and Illustrator Caya Emmelkamp consists of a video work, a puppettry-like TV tower and a series of smaller sculptures. Within the work are themes of collaboration, friendship and theatricality. The work was created from feelings of nostalgia; for example, the video work, Beppe Zus Afl. 2, was inspired by old-fashioned children's television. With the installation, Emmelkamp encourages viewers to share their own nostalgic memories.

performance bert scholten

Bert Scholten is sometimes called a contemporary troubadour. In his work he harks back to a time-honored tradition of orally transmitting stories in song form. His songs, with titles such as "The Horse Abuser," "The Frustrated Metropolitan," or "Mina Koes," find their origin in local tales or news reports, mostly from the north of the Netherlands. Scholten investigates the origins of these stories and traces the different versions that often exist of them. In his performances, he performs these stories live, accompanying himself instrumentally. Just as folk tales keep changing and taking on new forms and meanings, Scholten adapts his lyrics to the new context in which the performance takes place.
In the exhibition Seeds of Memory, his installation with cookie boards is on display. He gives a performance to this installation during Museum Night, curator Judith Spijksma does an introduction. Symbolic messages used to be transmitted through the giving of cookies. The cake boards stem from animal sacrifices, a custom that changed into the making of figurative breads and, eventually, the speculaaskoeken as we know them today.
20.30 - 21.00h

performance michelle samba

Musician, composer, maker, poet, painter and performance artist Samba creates contemporary impressionism that stems from her personal history. After years of touring as a drummer and bassist, working on duo projects and composing for theater, film and games, she is growing into a solo artist, with radical projects in development. During Museum Night, Michelle Samba will give an exclusive performance at the Fries Museum.
21.30 - 22.15h

Michelle Samba
Michelle Samba

amonia caramel

Enjoy the energetic live show of Amonia Caramel and band! Sung in harmony with catchy lines that stay in your head: Amonia Caramel makes timeless, dreamy Americana pop with a bittersweet edge.

In 2019, best friends Sarah Dekker (Moonloops) and Cath Harryvan (Diamonds//Honey) began working as a duo as singer-songwriters. Catchy pop songs with impressive harmonies soon emerged, inspired by Americana music and artists such as Courtney Barnett, First Aid Kit and Taylor Swift. Together, the two write songs that seem straight out of their diaries: honest stories about important issues and the challenges as young adults in a changing world.
19.30 - 20.00h

Amonia Caramel
Amonia Caramel


Trouvano comes from "trouvaille. The Dutch word that comes closest to it is 'toevalstreffer'. This DJ from Groningen tries to be this for anyone who sees him spin for the first time. A fun discovery, where genres play no role and old and new music are mixed without difficulty. Because of his obsession with music, no set is the same, so be surprised!

marjolein's art quiz

On 30 September, former television coryfee Marjolein Rover will present her own Fries Museum art quiz. With exciting and stimulating questions about the Fries Museum collection. Who will go home as the wisest and knows the most about the history of Friesland? Pull up a chair and join in! Are you a quiz fanatic who needs to brush up on your knowledge of Friesland? Book a speed tour through the Fries Museum before the quiz and answer all the questions correctly.
20.00 – 23.00h

Please note, there are different quizzes of 30 minutes each. You participate in a team of a maximum of five people.

Marjolein Rover
Marjolein Rover

proust's scents carousel

Marcel Proust is the inventor of the effect that scent can suddenly transport you to a memory, as if you were sitting on your grandmother's sofa again. In Proust's Fragrances Carousel, perfumer and scent artist Frank Bloem takes visitors on an exploration of the Proustian effect in your own life. From behind his scent bar, Frank lets visitors smell scents that can cause this effect, and when the effect occurs, the visitor is given a card with the scent in question, to occasionally recall the scent memory during their visit to the exhibition.

valhalla hair salon

Viking woman Tamar has been running her own hair salon Valhalla on Nieuwestad in the heart of Leeuwarden since 2022. Her style is distinctive, Tamar draws inspiration from Viking braiding. The hair salon is a success: her diary is full and Valhalla is also popular on TikTok and Instagram. During museum night, get your hair braided in this signature style! Come on time, registration is only possible on site and space is limited.

Valhalla Hair Salon
Valhalla Hair Salon

fries museum in 30 minutes

Discover the Fries Museum in 30 minutes! Join this speed tour and see masterpieces that tell the history of Friesland and the museum. You can take this tour in Dutch or English.


Please note: Space is limited at this activity. Please sign up in advance via our ticket page.

visual arts support point

At the Visual Arts Support Center of Keunstwurk, professional artists can ask questions about their practice or the Frisian network. And inspiring workshops and networking drinks are organized. During Museum Night you can talk to our advisors Hannah Stienstra and Milena Bleeksma or play The Art Game.

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