
The collection of the Fries Museum is kept in a special depot. There hangs and stands an enormous amount of art and heritage. The building is specially designed for this: drawings are stored in acid-free boxes, fragile porcelain is safely stored in shelving units, textiles are stretched out in special drawers. Not a ray of harmful sunlight enters the depot areas. But to preserve the collection for future generations, we have to maintain and restore it on a regular basis.

The varnish of a painting gradually begins to show small cracks with age, textiles can fade or fray, and with the passage of time even the most gleaming silver becomes dull. An enormous amount of knowledge and skill is required to keep the collection in top condition. Fortunately, we can count on a specialized team of collection employees and a number of external experts.

In this video Marlies Stoter, our curator of ancient art, explains how a frame of a work by Wigerus Vitringa was replaced. The video was made by Sije Kingma and was part of the exhibition Collected work: the rich collection of Friesland (2019).

Video - Restuareren

Fries Museum
Wilhelminaplein 92
8911 BS Leeuwarden
T: 058 255 55 00

opening hours

Tuesday – Sunday 11.00h – 17.00h
Closed on Monday

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